August 19, 2008

No use in crying over spilt sugar... or is it?

Today I opened at work, which means waking up at 5:10am. Whatever. I got up, rode my bike to work, made some coffee, opened the store. No problem. Then about 10:30 one of customers mentioned that we were almost out of sugar as he handed me the sugar bowl. “Thanks” I replied as I got the sugar bag to refill the bowl. I emptied the last little bit into the bowl and made a mental note to remind my boss to get some more. Just then a customer walked in, one of our regulars. I got him his small house coffee and he went to go fix it up and he asked if we had any sugar. “Yes, I’ve got it back here” I said. As I went to hand the sugar bowl to him, I hit it on the corner of the counter and it spilt all over the cash register and counter top. Normally, I would have gotten angry with myself, and perhaps, say a cuss word. But I didn’t. All I wanted to do was cry. Since the customer was still standing there (feeling sorry for me, by the look on his face), I tried to recover and say something funny. But my mind was blank. All I wanted to do was cry. I didn’t; I had customers. For some reason it left me feeling extremely depressed and low, as though I could cry at the drop of a hat. It felt like I had let the whole world down and that I should just give up. It was weird. I had never quite felt like that before, let alone, over just spilling some lousy sugar. But, after about 30 minutes I was fine. I didn’t feel low, I actually felt kind of stupid for feeling that way in the first place. I mean, what happened? Would I have actually felt better if I had just cried?

Not the most uplifting blog, sorry. Don’t worry, I feel fine now.

1 comment:

Granny said...

Oh Kelly, that made me cry, just reading it. I have missed reading your blog, while I was in Co.

I was interested to read about the school of design - - In England?

I love you and can't wait to see you again.
