October 2, 2008

read my lips: n-o....

So, i live with a great family, The Harke's. (plus The Clark's) The Harke's has 3 awesome kids, Olivia (5), Silas (3), and Cora (almost 1). Tonight, I witnessed Cora's first 'argument' with her mom. Cora, as most kids, loves to get into everything! One of her favorites is the kids plastic plates and bowls. Ricci (her mom) doesn't mind her doing it but she does leave quite the mess. So tonight, after Cora tore through all the plastic ware and got bored, Ricci cleaned up. Then Cora made her way back and noticed that the floor looked too bare and decided to get the plates again. As she reach for the basket, Ricci said, "Cora! No!" Cora looked right up at Ricci, screeched, and started pulling out the plates. Once again, Ricci told Cora to stop and she (Cora) did the same thing: screeched and grabbed another plate. It was such a defiant little screech for a 1 year old. She can't even talk and she already knows how to say no.