January 29, 2008

I’ve got a golden ticket.....

Well, I’m going to South Africa! I bought my ticket last night. :-) I’m actually leaving on the 4th of February, instead of the end of January. My friends, the Hodge family, were going to be leaving on the 4th from NYC, and I was able to get a ticket on the same flight. Sweet! Even though it’s a 17 hour flight, I get to spend it with my friends! I wouldn’t have been able to do this without the support of all my amazing friends and family. I was just so blessed by the money that came in to pay for my ticket. Thank you to everyone that helped! I have to go, they are throwing a ‘going-away’ party for me…

January 20, 2008

i break for art...

So, ever since i've been home from my Christmas break, i've been working toward my trip to South Africa. Or doing things for our YWAM base. I've been packing. I've been organizing. I've been going to the bank and post office. But i haven't been taking time to paint; to be creative; to use the OTHER side of my brain. So, after a decent day of packing on Wednesday, I decided to take a break and paint on Thursday. :-)

nothing fancy. I was just really wanting to use these colors. I'll probably paint over it someday... oh well. :-)

Resent South Africa Update....

Hello everyone, I just wanted to keep you up to date with my up-coming trip to South Africa. I was in Texas for the holidays and I had a chance to speak at New Hope and New Rivers. From the feedback that I’ve heard, it seems that both went well. J At New Hope, I was also able to display some of my artwork and sell it to help fund my trip. I sold 6 paintings and raised $800! I still have some left, if you want to take a look, please check out my blog: www.kellyjoramsey.blogspot.com I still need about $1100 for my ticket and art supplies. If you are interested in partnering with me and the work that is happening in South Africa, please take a look below. I have a ticket reserved for January 30th so I can be there by the first of February.
Also, I’m looking for anyone who feels called to helping me monthly. I lost one of my biggest monthly supporters right before Christmas. She lost her job, so you can understand why she had to stop. I will have to pay about $300 for rent while I’m there, plus food and gas(for getting around). If you are interested in helping my monthly, please see below. On the plus side, somebody will be renting my room out in New Haven, so I don’t have to pay for that while I’m gone. You can also pray that my car will sell. I felt like God is asking me to give it up, so it’s on Craig’s List. Of course, if it does, the money will go towards my trip!
Thank you all for the prayer and financial support that you have all shown me through these past few years. I know that this trip is the next step that God has for me, and it makes it so much easier knowing that I have the support of my family and friends. I won’t be able to mail any updates while I’m there but I will be updating my blog and I will have email access. Please email me if you want to be on my email list. Otherwise just check my blog, I hope to update it once a week. J Thanks again for all your help!


To contact me:
203-887-8375 cell

January 5, 2008

Headin' South...

Hi everyone! Let me first apologize to those who didn't receive my last update (from Sept/Oct). I lost my address book and I'm still trying to collect my original list. If you would like to read my last update, please check out my blog @ www.kellyjoramsey.blogspot.com
So, if you haven't guessed by now, I'm going to South Africa! I've been invited to spend three months working with my friends at Ten Thousand Homes (www.TenThousandHomes.org). They are starting a Discipleship Training School (DTS), the same type of school that I have been working with here in New Haven, CT. I love working with DTS's and I'm excited to see what it's like in a different location. I have talked with my friends there and it sounds like I may also help run a Saturday art class for the local kids/teens. I plan on helping out wherever they need me but we are looking for ways to use art in the school and in their community. This is one of the reasons I am going (besides the people!). I feel that this will be a good opportunity to be stretched in the way I use and see art.


At this point, I don't know exactly how much my ticket will cost. It can range from $1200 to $1700, I'm told. I also need to get my eyes checked and I need to get Malaria pills. Plus, I want to bring some art supplies with me. So, my goal (for now) if to raise $2000 by January 10th. If you want to help financially, please contact me @ andimvanessa@hotmail.com or call 203-887-8375. And as always, I will need prayer. I know that I will get to do things that I've never done before. I will be in a place that I have never been before, working with a culture that I've never worked with before. But I know that I will learn and I know that I will have fun! So, please keep me and the team in your prayers. I will try to keep my blog up to date while I'm there with more specific prayer needs. Thank you to everyone for your support!

To contact me: 203-887-8375 cell ~*~ andimvanessa@hotmail.com
www.kellyjoramsey.blogspot.com my blog ~*~ I'm on myspace.com and facebook