August 23, 2008

this coming January...

So, I’m applying to a YWAM school in January. It’s a school for art design, like advertising and logos. It’s something that I’ve always liked, without ever really noticing. I actually like looking at the adverts in magazines to see if I think they are doing there job by being eye-catching. If in one glace, I am intrigued enough to take a second look. The same goes for art, for me. I like a lot of pop and modern art: very graphic, brilliant colors, sharp lines and shapes. I had some friends take this school at another YWAM, and they got a lot out of it and encouraged me to look into it. So, I am. J Here’s a little more info found at the website:

Good communication has its core in good design; products and services are communicated in a multitude of ways from billboards and brochures to interactive cd-roms and websites. Design is all around you - everything from the milk carton you use on your cereal in the morning to the train time table, the newspaper you read on the way to work and the posters advertising the latest product as you leave the station. All this even before you start your day! Everything you see around you has some kind of logo, typeface or image designed to communicate what it is and what it does.At YWAM, we want to see you trained with excellence in design as well as giving you a biblical basis for your work. We want to equip you to continue in missions, go on to university or the work place. Whichever direction you take we want to enable you to play your part in helping to fulfill the great commission and increase the Kingdom of God.

COURSE OVERVIEW - During the course you will learn the process of design, spending a substantial amount of time brain storming ideas and creatively solving design problems. As you work through the course you will meet regularly with teachers and school staff to guide you to the best possible solutions for each assignment. Most weeks incorporate an element of sketching and producing a final piece of work. As part of the curriculum we will show you how to present your work, culminating with an exhibition at the end of the school.

- Visual and Godly Communication
- Color Theory
- Elements of Design 1 and 2
- Introduction to Freehand
- Typography 1 and 2
- History of Design
- Logo Design
- Corporate Identity
- Introduction to Photoshop
- Advertising
- Relationship with a Copy Writer
- Visit to a printers
- Adobe After Effects or Apple Motion
- Final Project/ Exhibition

As with all schools you will be required to attend community worship and prayer times as well as small groups, one on one discipleship and work duties as part of the weekly schedule. In addition you will be expected to submit your journal, creatively expressing all you have learnt though that week’s teaching.

DATES - Saturday 19th January - Saturday 11th April 2008.

COST - The final cost is as follows (in British Pounds Sterling): Registration Fee £25, School fee £1,000 and Lab Fee £800 Total = £1,825. About $3500, plus a plane ticket.

August 19, 2008

No use in crying over spilt sugar... or is it?

Today I opened at work, which means waking up at 5:10am. Whatever. I got up, rode my bike to work, made some coffee, opened the store. No problem. Then about 10:30 one of customers mentioned that we were almost out of sugar as he handed me the sugar bowl. “Thanks” I replied as I got the sugar bag to refill the bowl. I emptied the last little bit into the bowl and made a mental note to remind my boss to get some more. Just then a customer walked in, one of our regulars. I got him his small house coffee and he went to go fix it up and he asked if we had any sugar. “Yes, I’ve got it back here” I said. As I went to hand the sugar bowl to him, I hit it on the corner of the counter and it spilt all over the cash register and counter top. Normally, I would have gotten angry with myself, and perhaps, say a cuss word. But I didn’t. All I wanted to do was cry. Since the customer was still standing there (feeling sorry for me, by the look on his face), I tried to recover and say something funny. But my mind was blank. All I wanted to do was cry. I didn’t; I had customers. For some reason it left me feeling extremely depressed and low, as though I could cry at the drop of a hat. It felt like I had let the whole world down and that I should just give up. It was weird. I had never quite felt like that before, let alone, over just spilling some lousy sugar. But, after about 30 minutes I was fine. I didn’t feel low, I actually felt kind of stupid for feeling that way in the first place. I mean, what happened? Would I have actually felt better if I had just cried?

Not the most uplifting blog, sorry. Don’t worry, I feel fine now.