November 14, 2008

points to ponder...

- Since i've gotten a bike, all of my favorite days have become my least favorite. Windy and rainy days are no fun on a bike. Grant it, i could walk, but i get there so much faster if i ride. Plus my feet really can't take walking for 20 minutes, standing up for 6 to 7 hours, then walking 20 minutes again. Yeah, i know, I'm getting old... :-)

- Why are some customers easy, or even fun, to serve while others are like cruel and unusual torture? Is it the attitude? "Just give me my coffee so i can have my caffeine fix." "Starbucks was really busy so i guess i'll bless you guys with my order." Is it the requests? "I know you already started making my drink order, but can i change that to a *half-caf* and use 1% instead of whole milk?" "Can i get a medium mocha in a large cup and don't make it too sweet?" I had a lady come in last week that ordered 2 drinks, one for herself and the other to take to someone. That *someone* had the moxie to ask that we make her latte *good* this time. Apparently, she had one of ours before that wasn't up to par. Hey, i may not be the best barista, but i always make my drinks as best as i know how! - of course, i didn't say that to her. It's a good thing that i only have a week left...

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