February 24, 2009

as seen on tv...

I like to watch a lot of those decorating shows on tv. If you watch enough of them (or too much of them), you see a few 'repeats'. What i mean is, they will show you something that's like this totally cool idea, and you'll see the same idea on another show. Most of the stuff is pretty original, this only happens every now and again. Here's something that i've seen a few time but it's still a great idea for those of us that like vintage fabric but aren't a seamstress. Like me!

The fabric with the red and blue flowers is the bottom part of a very long dress. It was just too long so i made it shorter. OK, i can't sew but i can hem...

This fabric was given to me by my sister-in-law. I'm glad that i finally got to use it...

This was from a shirt that i really wanted to wear but it just looked terrible on me...

1 comment:

Jen Price said...

Very cool idea! Thanks for posting it!