March 30, 2009

it's kind of an inside-joke...

I know i haven't posted in a while. But i haven't done much, creative-wise. I made a birthday cake for a friend but it wasn't the 'decorating kind'. I've done a little more work on my henna chair but i need some more Sharpie's to finish. I kind of feel 'stopped-up' when it comes to painting right now. I have a friend who has requested a painting for their baby's nursery and I've been working on a few ideas. But i can't paint anything yet because i'm still waiting for her to send the color swatches - don't feel any pressure Chelle! Plus, i'm waiting to hear if they want to see sketches or if they trust me :-) Anyhoo, today i punched a little hole in the creative dam and had a little fun. It's kind of an inside-joke... my family will get it...


Courtney said...

Hippity Hoppety buttons and bowwwws! You are a genius.

Rachelle said...

Haha! No pressure...I sent everything on Saturday so we should be good to go shortly! Thanks for waiting on my slow self to get that to you!

And I have no idea what a taco show is, but I like the bag! ;-) haha!