December 7, 2009

top 10?

Well, 'top' 10 may not be quite accurate. It's the end of the year and every t.v., blog, website, magazine, etc. starts posting their "top 10 whatever" of the year - you name it. There's best movie lists, top scandals, favorite trends, greatest youtube videos, funniest pets, great moments in history, and so on and so forth. So, i decided to have my own list. Is it a top 10? no. But it's a picture from each month of '09 with a memory to go with :-)

JANUARY - I was in Texas for most of Jan and for Dad's birthday the family went mini-golfing (sans Ryan) The picture is a little dark but it's my favorite from that night!

FEBRUARY - I was back in Connecticut and I was a teacher's assistant for a week long art class. These were the two students who gave me the most trouble but both wrote me thank you notes and hugged me at the last class :-)

MARCH - The start of many, many cupcakes. Why? Because I like decorating (and eating) cupcakes.

APRIL - Easter. As soon as Cora discovered that the eggs had candy, we couldn't stop her.

MAY - Cora-bora :-)

JUNE - Me and Nourtney singing together. First time ever.

JULY - In Germany with the lovely Anne-Kerstin :-)

AUGUST - Two words: Chocolate. Fondue.
Two more words: In. Switzerland!

SEPTEMBER - My wonderful and crazy room-mates, Celine (right) and Rocio

NOVEMBER - Don't adjust your screen. I don't seem to have any pictures from October so I'm showing 2 from Nov. This is one from my visit to Kansas City to surprise Nourtney on her birthday. They are watching a video of the family (in Wylie) singing Happy Birthday.

This one is from the Grimm Family Thanksgiving. That's my grandmother (Granny) giving my great-grandmother (her mom), Mama a hug. Mama is 99 years old! She doesn't usually make it to the family events because it wears her out, but she was a trooper that day :-)

DECEMBER - well, I'm waiting for Christmas pictures :-)

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