June 23, 2009

where do i come up with them?!?

here's my latest...

the "never, ever" is in reference to Alice in Wonderland where they sing "and i never, ever, ever do a thing about the weather, for the weather never, ever does a thing for me..."

these two were inspired by the oven in the old Dick Van Dyke show :-)

June 17, 2009

no school like old school...

Here's a blast from the past. Today my mom handed me this calendar that i made when i was 14. It was my Christmas present for everyone on my mom's side of the family (the Grimm's) in 1994. 1994! :-0 As you can see, it's not a "regular" calendar. It just lists everyone's birthdays and anniversaries...

here's a little bit humor. a very little bit...
most of the drawings were from a "how to draw comics" book that we owned. but i remember that i couldn't find a drawing of a turkey, so i improvised...
i remember being very proud at how the old, crappy house turned out. i don't know why...

June 15, 2009

vintage, sweet vintage...

this is me. i like old stuff. i like stuff from the 40's, 50's and 60's - particularly. i have vintage clothes. i have vintage home decor. my favorite movies are old and in black & white. so naturally, when i paint, it (usually) has a vintage vibe. this is what i did this past week...

June 11, 2009

good grief...

i know, i know. I haven't posted in a while. I'm sorry. Most of my May was full of working, packing, or hanging-out with friends. I didn't actually paint much of anything. But now I'm in texas and i have some time to paint... and my sister, Courtney was getting on my case about not posting...